Kryolite Security

Firefox Cache Smuggling Attack

Brower Cache Smuggling Attack In the red team assessment initial access is always challenging task , as a red teamer we have to find our ways to get our first foothold to the network. Generally we...


Can you find your way into the Valley? ✅ Reconnaissance ✅ Open Ports Scanning With Rustscan We got the three ports open 80 - HTTP 22 - SSH 37370 - Unknown now, lets run the NMAP scan ov...

Razor Black

Razor Black Active Directory Writeup These guys call themselves hackers. Can you show them who’s the boss ?? ✅ ENUMERATION : ➡️ Rustscan let’s start with an enumeration of open ports, I will ...

privacy anaonymity and security

Privacy anonymity and security for dark web Hello friends this is a continuation of our dark web series, this is part 2 of the series, if you have not read the first part take a look here : Dark...

Enterprise — Tryhackme Writeup

You just landed in an internal network. You scan the network and there’s only the Domain Controller ✅ Information Gathering Rustscan First, it is good to find open ports with rustscan !! you k...